Blaster Jets II is Shareware. Copies of Blaster Jets II may may be distributed freely for no charge. Copies of Blaster Jets II may also be distributed freely by user groups and on-line services only. Blaster Jets II must always be distributed in its original, unmodified form, complete with any accompanying files. Any other form of distribution requires the specific written permission of Lo's Software.
Blaster Jets II is a free product. If you, the user, register Blaster Jets II the registered user recieves a code which allow Blaster Jets II to be registered.
Lo's Software is not responsible for any damage to the user's computer system or data and in no event will Lo's Software be liable for any consequential, incidental, or indirect damages arising out of the use of this product. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you. In other words, use at your own risk!
See the order form for more information about registering!
**If you beat all thirty levels of this game you'll recieve a level picker where you can play any level you want and a cheat mode!
What is Blaster Jets?
Blaster Jets II is a fast action paced jet game where you try to protect your planets and yourself from enemy jets. Battle into over 30 difficult levels where each level the enemies increase speed making it difficult to protect the planets or you could battle against a friend in a fun and thrilling battle mode.
In the demo version you get to play up to 14 and play up to 15 speed in the battle mode. If you order the full version you get to play more levels and it includes a cheat mode if you beat the game.
Mission Mode:
1 Player
•Keep at lease two of your planets alive
2 Players
•Keep at lease three of your planets alive
Battle Mode:
• Destroy four of your opponents planets
Player One
Up arrow-Moves jets up
Down arrow-Moves jets down
Right arrow-Moves jets right
Left arrow-Moves jets left
Player Two
8-Moves jets up
5-Moves jets down
6-Moves jets right
4-Moves jets left
Demo Version Includes:
• Play up to 14 levels
• Two player mission mode
• Two player battle mode
Registered Version Include:
• Play up to 30 levels
• Two player mission mode
• Two player battle mode
• Longer Battle Mode
• Protect only two planets in battles mode
**If you beat all thirty levels of this game you'll recieve a level picker where you can play any level you want and a cheat mode!